The World-Leading Injectable Iron Supplement for Baby Pigs

Uniferon 200 is a sterile solution containing ferric hydroxide in complex with a low molecular weight hydrogenated dextran fraction equivalent to 200 mg elemental iron (III) per mL with 0.5% phenol as a multiple-dose preservative.

Easy and economical to use, intramuscular injection of Uniferon 200 administered to baby pigs leads to rapid, safe and effective absorption, assimilation and conversion of the iron (III) to hemoglobin for incorporation into the blood. This quickly improves the transport of oxygen to the peripheral cells and the carbon dioxide elimination in the lung.


With Uniferon 200, you’re giving your baby pigs a true advantage

Several advantages, actually:

Injectable iron (III) supplement manufactured to meet both human and veterinary drug standards

Supports optimal average daily gain (ADG)

Less than one adverse event report received per 100 million doses sold in the U.S. veterinary market

Uniferon 200 is the only iron supplement supported by research trials on a worldwide basis

    Manufactured by the Global Market Leader

    Pharmacosmos is the #1 manufacturer of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for treatment of sub-clinical and full-scale iron deficiency anemia for use in baby pigs.

    Uniferon 200 is the only injectable iron marketed by the Pharmacosmos API manufacturer for use in baby pigs. The Pharmacosmos Uniferon iron (III), for use in baby pigs, is injected 6 times a second worldwide. 

    You can learn more about us at pharmocosmos.com


    Our high standards

    Designed to meet your own high standards

    Our manufacturing process is well established, rigorous, and exacting. That’s why Uniferon 200 is the only brand of injectable iron approved for use in the global veterinary market that meets both veterinary and human drug standards. Uniferon 200 is the only one!

    Working closely with pork producers, swine veterinarians and other partners around the world, we incorporate best practice solutions into our recommended treatments. We note that treatment with the proper technique for administration of Uniferon 200 mg/mL is a simple way to realize optimum daily gains, higher swine production yields and greater profits.

    • Supplemental injectable iron was introduced as a treatment for baby pigs in the 1950’s.  Those first-generation products had shortcomings because they were produced with organic solvents and high molecular weight dextran or dextrin carbohydrate components.  At that time, it was difficult to obtain solutions containing more than 10% elemental iron.  Subsequently, a proposed improvement product was prepared using an organic synthesis step, which also included the use of one or more organic solvents and reagents, which rendered the product subject to not only residual solvents, but it included cyanide impurities as well.

    • The modern supplemental injectable iron age began with the introduction of Uniferon. Using absolutely no organic solvents or cyanide whatsoever. Uniferon is the only brand of injectable iron for the global veterinary market that meets both veterinary and human standards.

    Purity Matters

    In a recent peer-review study, of all of the numerous world-wide commercial injectable iron products analyzed, only Uniferon 200 showed no measurable levels of arsenic and lead, while having chromium (III) levels well within the established and weight-adjusted Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) limits for humans. This high purity concept goes back to our focus on maintaining the highest manufacturing standards and ensuring continuous improvements in our manufacturing.

    Uniferon 200 is the only FDA approved injectable iron for baby pigs produced in an FDA approved human drug manufacturing facility.

    1. Radke, S.L., Olsen, C.W., Ensley, S.M., (2018) Elemental impurities in injectable iron products for swine. The Journal of Swine Health and Production, 26³.
    2. Nielsen, J.P. et al., 2013: “Herd diagnosis of iron deficiency in baby pigs”. In: Proc. 5th ESPHM Cong., May 2013.

    Purchase Uniferon 200

    Our U.S. customers can obtain Uniferon 200 availability and pricing information, as well as any active incentives, simply by calling the number below, or by calling your preferred distributor.

    If you’d rather communicate via email, please reach us at uniferon.us@pharmacosmos.com

    PHONE: 908.769.7045 CONTACT US


    A Second Dose Delivers Outstanding Benefits!

    Did you know that 1-mL (200 mg) of Uniferon 200 supports about 8.8 lbs. of growth for baby pigs on an all-milk diet?

    Do your baby pigs exceed 8.8 lbs. of growth from birth to weaning?

    A second 200 mg dose of Uniferon 200 has supported additional weight gain and much better health and nutrition throughout the wean to finish period, as well.

    More on dosing
    1. Gaddy, H.J. et al., 2012: “A review of recent supplemental iron industry practices and current usage of Uniferon® (iron dextran complex injection, 200 mg/mL) in baby pigs”. In: Proc. 43rd AASV Cong., March 2012
    2. Haugegaard J et al. Effect of supplementing fast-growing, late-weaned piglets twice with 200 mg iron dextran intramuscularly. The Pig Journal. 2008. 61; 69-73.
    3. Olsen C and Fredericks L. Impact of iron dose and hemoglobin concentration on wean-finish weight gain. IPVS. 2018; 910.

    Safety & Storage Information

    Keep out of reach of children. For use in animals only.

    Store at controlled room temperature 59°-86° F (15°-30°C)