Veterinary Advisory Board
The purpose of the Veterinarian Advisory Board (VAB) is to bring together a strong advisory panel of accomplished and esteemed swine nutrition and veterinary medicine specialists in supporting the Pharmacosmos Uniferon 200 business. The VAB provides insight on current and future baby pig production and veterinary medical guidance about sub-clinical and full-scale iron deficiency anemia. The VAB brings forth strong, forward-looking concepts and oversight for meaningful scientific research in the field of sub-clinical and full-scale iron deficiency anemia and is immersed in internal research as well.
The rotating VAB positions are staffed by members of academia as well as swine practitioners from worldwide locations. Current VAB members are:
Ensuring high-level scientific research (internally and outside Pharmacosmos)
Evaluating relevant research from outside sources
Providing grants to fund research
Conducting relevant research on behalf of Pharmacosmos and its U.S. Veterinary and Swine Production customer base
Driving product development for new products and improvements in existing products
Dr. Glen Almond
DVM, MSc, Ph.D.
Professor of Pig Health and Production. North Carolina State University.
Dr. Isabel Hennig-Pauka
European Veterinary Specialist in Porcine Health Management. Professor and Lecturer, Clinic for Swine and Small Ruminants, Forensic Medicine, and Ambulatory Service, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Director of Field Station for Epidemiology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover.
Dr. Enric Marco
Owner and Director or Marco Vetgrup. Former professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Current professor at Zaragoza University Barcelona, Spain.
Dr. Ken Steen Pedersen
CEO and Owner, Ø-Vet. Professor University of Copenhagen.
Dr. Tom Petznick
Owner of ArkCare, with clinic-emphasis on swine herd health and production.
Christian von der Recke-Heisel
Int. Sales & Marketing Director, Pharmacosmos Denmark
Dr. Wesley Lyons
Technical Services Director, Pharmacosmos USA